Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sheep Pig?? They must be joking!

Sheep or pig? The mangalitsa was bred from hardy Hungarian pigs (Bakonyi and Szalontai) crossed with the Ĺ umadijas from Serbian. It is totally swine. It produces less meat then the naked pink pigs you're used to seeing, so it has become quite rare. Image credit: Dreamstime

Well, I say if you can't tell this is a pig, then you might want to get your eyes examined.  Zelda had never met a pig before she met me and she could easily tell that that is a picture of a PIG!  This piggy has some long curly hair, but it still looks 
like a piggy, just one with long curly hair! cheezsh!  Now it is true I have never met a sheep, but I disagree with the "Strange News" people on LiveScience.  It is more than "a closer inspection of the head and face reveals a decidedly porcine countenance."  Its WHOLE body has a porcine countenance!  So, what do you think?  

1 comment:

Gay L. Balliet said...

Only a non-pig person wud ever say this isn't a pig. For cryin' out loud--it screams " pig"--though maybe a pig with a perm.